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Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

kevjumba don't like to be disturbed by his fans ??

I think kevjumba don't like to be disturbed by his fans.
maybe, kevin want to remain popular but don't want to be a complicated.
Look at each video he makes, he is just try to avoid it.
It is True ?!
Sorry if i was Wrong, Tell Me What you believe.

2 komentar:

Yullery mengatakan...

did he ever reply his fans tweet? i don't think so.. :(

Anonim mengatakan...

@iiu.I thought the same too.Well,at least he is still appreciate his fans though.without fans,artists are zero ^^

this sounds lame, although Kevin never reply but thinking that he's read this blog, wall or Mention. thats is makes me happy until right now. Thanks Kevin^^, thanks for all although you are not real, but I'm very grateful you are always there beside me and has always comforted me, when I was sad and did not know what to do.