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We are looking for some dedicated bloggers who can write well in english and know exactly where exactly to get sources to write blogs,you can also get news from other forums or websites with proper credits.

If you are interested to become a blogger,you can send in your application to my email

Some basic conditions that you must have to join the team
1.)Able to write well in english
2.)Have Blogger/Blogspot account and know exactly how it works.
3.)You must be a Fans Youtube Asian ^ ^
4.)Dedicated enough to post frequently.

If you think that you are good enough to join our team,you can fill in the form below and send it to my email, try to impress me with a self-written article of yours and let me know the reasons why you deserve to be in the team.Title of your email is "New Kevjumba Indonesia Team".

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Good luck,hope to see you in our team in the future!
this sounds lame, although Kevin never reply but thinking that he's read this blog, wall or Mention. thats is makes me happy until right now. Thanks Kevin^^, thanks for all although you are not real, but I'm very grateful you are always there beside me and has always comforted me, when I was sad and did not know what to do.