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Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

David Choi - By my side MV

hi Guys, have seen the New youtube video david choi's ? Music video made ​​very simple but very romantic and really nice so sweet. The setting was very creative just like optical illusions. I'm very jealous of her (Featuring Jenny Ong), yeah all the lyrics created by david, and I hope he makes any story ideas by him, when roads are the same as the original story may be very exceptional. I dont see david from the side of the youtube star, but from the side of David that as human beings. david knows how to smile and he has such an amazing or adorable smile.

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this sounds lame, although Kevin never reply but thinking that he's read this blog, wall or Mention. thats is makes me happy until right now. Thanks Kevin^^, thanks for all although you are not real, but I'm very grateful you are always there beside me and has always comforted me, when I was sad and did not know what to do.